Venice Pool Rules



    • No lap lanes are available for lap swim during recreational swimming hours unless stated in brochure.
    • Locker rooms close 15 minutes after end of session.
    • Valuable items should be stored in the security lockers located in the lobby or checked with the Pool Clerk.
    • Patrons must be seated on the bleachers if they are not swimming.
    • No food or drink allowed in the bleacher area.
    • During recreational hours, all patrons will be asked to take a swim test before entering the deep end of the pool and using the diving board. This test will consist of one length of the pool swimming freestyle (Front Crawl), with an effective supporting kick.
    • Kickboards, Pull buoys and Water Noodles are provided during Lap swimming and Aqua jogging hours only, no equipment will
      be provided during recreational swim hours. All other equipment is for facility programs. Jogging belts are for class use only.
    • Water and Sport Drinks are the only food or drink allowed on the pool deck. There is no other eating or gum chewing allowed
      in the pool area, except during posted special events.
    • The shallow end will be cleared of all patrons during shallow water exercise classes. Please refer to class schedule for times.
    • Patrons that attempt to participate in exercise classes without having registered for classes will be asked to leave facility.
    • Aqua Jogging is allowed during times other than those posted, only if it does not interfere with lap swimming or facility pro-

Entrance is denied to:

  • Children under seven (7), unless accompanied by an adult on a one to one ratio.
  • Children under the age of four (4) without an approved "swim diaper" or plastic pants with elastic around the waist and
  • Persons under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
  • Persons with colds, coughs, nasal or eye discharges, skin eruptions, open wounds, open sores or bandages.
  • Pets.

Please check all your valuables with the clerk.

    Personal property not permitted in the swimming pool or deck area includes:
  • Street clothes, shoes, and carrying bags of all types.
  • Floating apparatus, glass objects or containers of any kind.
  • Sports or swim equipment; electronic equipment.
  • Wheeled vehicles (roller blades, bicycles, skateboards, etc...)

Soap showers must be taken before entering the pool area.
Smoking is prohibited.
Eating and/or drinking allowed only in designated areas.
Foul or abusive language will not be tolerated.

For the safety of the public there is no:

  • Running on the pool deck.
  • Climbing, sitting on, and jumping from fences or guard structures.
  • Diving into shallow water.
  • Double bouncing or crowding dive structures.
  • Swimming in the diving area.
  • Horse playing on the deck or in the pool at any time.
  • Snapping towels.
  • Participating in other dangerous practices as determined by lifesaving staff.
  • Hypoxic training or prolonged underwater swimming is not allowed.
  • Do not interfere with a lifeguard rescue, or call for help unless in distress.